Ymgrymed pawb i lawr I enw'r addfwyn Oen, Yr enw mwyaf mawr Erioed a glywyd son: Y clod, y nerth, y parch, a'r bri, Fo byth i enw'n Harglwydd ni. Mae Enw'r Iesu cu Yn llawer gwell na'r byd, A'r disglair nefol lu Sy'n rhoddi arno'u bryd: Ei ddawn a'i ras a'i gariad drud Sy'n llanw'r nef, yn llanw'r byd. Cyduned nef a llawr, A phob creadur byw, I foli yma'n awr Iachawdwr dynol-ryw: Yr Oen fu farw yn ein lle, Clodfored pawb ei Enw e. I'r gogledd, dwyrain, de, Ac i'r gorllewin faith, Yr elo ei enw E' Yn glodfawr gan bob iaith; Am glwyfau'r Oen, a'i gariad rhad, Boed melys ganmawl ym mhob gwlad.1: William Lewis neu William Williams 2: William Williams 1717-91 3: cyf. John Bryan 1776-1856 4: William Lewis -c.1794
1,2,3,4,(5). Ymgrymed pawb i lawr I enw'r addfwyn Oen, Yr enw mwya' mawr Erioed a glywyd son: Y clod, y nerth, y parch, a'r bri, Fo byth i enw'n Harglwydd ni. O nefol addfwyn Oen, Sy'n llawer gwell na'r byd, A lluoedd maith y nef, Yn rhoddi arno'u bryd, Dy ddawn a'th ras a'th gariad drud, Sy'n llanw'r nef, yn llanw'r byd. Dyoddefodd hoelion dur, Fe gollodd ddwyfol waed, Gwnaeth ni'n offeiriaid pur, 'Was'naethu ei anwyl Dad; Breninoedd y'm o ddwyfol ryw, Perthynas agos iawn i'n Duw. Cawn goronau cyn bo hir, Oll fel ei goron ef, A gwel'd ei ogoniant pur, Yn ddysglaer yn y nef; A seinio ei glod, a'i ryfedd waith, I eithaf tragwyddoldeb maith. Llawn Haleluia mwy, I Frenin dae'r a ne', Ddyoddefodd farwol glwy' Yn wirion yn fy lle; O ddedwydd awr, o ddedwydd loes, Bu'm Duw yn hongian ar y groes.1 : William Lewis neu William Williams 2-5: William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [666688]: gwelir: Aed grym efengyl Crist Cyduned nef a llawr Doed da'r a nef yn un I'r gogledd dwyrain de Mae enw'r addfwyn Oen O nefol addfwyn Oen |
Let everyone bow down To the name of the gentle Lamb, The greatest name Ever whose sound was heard: The praise, the power, the honour, and the esteem, Be forever to the name of our Lord. The Name of dear Jesus is Much better than the world, And the shining heavenly host Ar giving him their attention: His ability and his grace and his dear love Are flooding heaven, flooding the world. Let heaven and earth combine, And every living creature, To praise here now The saviour of human-kind: The Lamb who died in our place, Let everyone extol his Name. To the north, east, south, And to the wide west, May His name go In high praise by every language; For the wounds of the Lamb, and his free love, Be sweet songs of praise in every land.tr. 2008,11 Richard B Gillion
Let everyone bow down To the name of the gentle Lamb, The greatest name Ever whose sound was heard: The praise, the power, the honour, and the esteem, Be forever to the name of our Lord. O heavenly gentle Lamb, Much better than the world, And numerous hosts of heaven Running to do thy will, The gift from thy grace and costly love Fills heaven, fills the world. He suffered steel nails, He shed divine blood, He made us pure priests, To serve his dear Father; Kings we are of a divine kind, Belonging very closely to our God. We will get crowns before long, All like his crown, And see his pure glory, shining in heaven; And sound his praise, and his wonderful work, To the end of a vast eternity. Full Hallelujah henceforth, To the King of earth and heaven, He suffered a mortal wound Innocently in my place; O blessed hour, o blessed anguish, My God was hanging on the cross.tr. 2008,12 Richard B Gillion |
Let earth and heav'n agree, Angels and men be joined, To celebrate with me The Saviour of mankind; To adore the all-atoning Lamb, And bless the sound of Jesus' name.Charles Wesley 1707-88 |